Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Premium Orange Out Wins Acabellas: Live performance

Seats filled up at the best LAC event of the quarter, the Acabellas and Premium Orange concert. The show began at 8:00 p.m. but students began arriving an hour before the show, just to get seats. Students weren’t even able to reserve seats for friends, because the people at the door were handing out numbers, keeping count of the number of students. This time, students weren't allowed to stand up in the back or sit by the stairs. But all of that work was for nothing, because the performance was not as great as fall quarter's performance.

As the audience unnecessarily fought their way into Dalton Theater in the Fine Arts building, Acabellas began with their opening song Help! by The Beatles. One could literally cry for help, because not only was this a song performed last quarter, but also by the same singer. The handout listed the name of songs and their artists, and it was frustrating to see that there were only about four songs that were different from fall quarter’s performance.

Last quarter’s concert was mind blowing. The crowd went wild when Briana Scales "shook her nasty butt" when singing her solo part in "Baby Got Back" by Jonathan Coulton. Scales, who is in fact the best performer and the best voice of the group, was disappointing when she sang "Disturbia" by Rihanna for the second time. In fact, any of the repeated songs were not exciting. The audience was not as enthusiastic about those performances. Not even the performers themselves were energetic enough to want to live them up.

One performer who improved was Elizabeth Lordon with "One Step at a Time" by Jordon Sparks. Her last performance was weak at the beginning, because she was nervous and one could hear it in her voice, but the audience applauded her for encouragement. But this time, Lordon couldn't hit the high notes.

The best performance from Acabellas was their last song, "Carry on My Wayward Son" by Kansas performed by Hannah Royce. Each performer of the group had a personally crafted guitar, which they all faked played and then smashed in the ground in a "punk rock" way as a good ending for their performance before the next chorus Premium Orange came out.

Premium Orange definitely out won Acabellas with songs that were mellower, but that attracted more attention, because it involved real singing. Performers Jackie Jessup and Jarrod Howlett sang "Ain't No Mountain" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, two of the best voices to sing the song's high notes and harmony. The best performance was song "Hallelujah" by John Cale performed by best performer and best voice Dwight Trice who blew heads away also hitting the high notes which surprised the audience because it was so unexpected.

The show ended with Premium Orange's last song “Chicago” by Sufjan Stevens, and afterwards both choruses gave their thanks to those who helped put the concert together.

The show was good overall, but they really should come up with new songs for spring’s concert.

1 comment:

  1. Your evidence for why you didn't like the show was satisfying, but I think declaring the performance as the best LAC of the quarter is confusing when it's not actually the case. I was also thrown off by the line about Premium Orange attracting more attention because it involved "real singing". Even if the Acabellas did a lot of fluffy pop songs, it seems a bit condescending to say they didn't really sing. It's great that they sung Chicago, though. That's one of my favorite songs.
